Esther resided at the Rubber Chicken Forest at the Twisted Oak Winery in California. She was taken home and enjoyed herself until she saw her twin sister's photo on an egg carton. Eunice was sent to New York to be with Esther. At first they did not get along as Esther was used to traveling alone. Now they travel together.
The family expands adopting Ethel Louise at Chix R' Us and taking in Marilyn, a kleptomaniac, and Minerva, who have recently adopted baby Mildred.
Eunice and I went back to the other shopping center called the Spectrum. We had gone there during the TMS but only to eat at one of the restaurants and then go across the way to the Improv Comedy Club.
This time we walked around noticing that the South Coast Plaza was more on an upscale level than the Spectrum. Lot's of shops, eateries and more geared for entertainment. There was a ferris wheel in the middle which came from Italy and this pretty fountain.
We had a sandwich outside of a new French bistro bakery called Le Napoleon Patisserie. It was such a great day weather and otherwise.
Last stop was to Pretend City Children's Museum. Yes, we were there before but there weren't any little humans around.
Our trip came to an end. It was time to buckle up and go back home.
Although Eunice and I had gone to Irvine (now renamed Irwing), we needed to return to see some of the things that were missed. We checked into the Embassy Suites Hotel and soon dashed off to the Barclay Theatre located on the campus of the Califowlnia University. We were hoping to get something to drink, but the theatre wasn't opened yet, but there was this fountain just outside of the entrance.
Across the way from the campus was this food court area. We noticed this place called Britta's and decided to have something to eat.
Eunice insisted on shopping and there were two shopping centers. The first one that we went to was one called South Coast Plaza and it was huge. They gave us the royal treatment as we went into an area called Access. It's a VIP thing. They serve drinks and snacks as well as having a room that is especially made for taking a nap. We first explored doing window shopping and then returned to the VIP lounge to hang around and talk about our plans for the rest of the few days.
That evening we ate a restaurant called Elements. They were there at the Tasting during the Travel Media Showcase. The food was great and so was the sake!
It was such a gorgeous day in Long Beak and having taken care of the ghost situation on the Queen Mary, Esther and I were off to the Aquarium of the Pacific. We had a behind the scene tour and saw lots of fishies.
Then we went into one part of the outside places to check out some lorakeet as we heard that they might be related in some way. We hung out in Merle Exit's bag while she was feeding them. Our friend Barbara happened to be there and tried to tell Merle that we were hungry too. She just kept feeding them.
Eunice and I went over to Naples Island here in Long Beak, Califowlnia for a ride on a gondola. The company is called Gondola Getaway. We traveled around while listening to a tape of Dean Martin. There were loads of houses each totally different and colorful. People were taking things like surf boards and riding them standing up using a long oar.
Afterward we went to this place called Buster's for a pretty good lunch.
We later went to this area called The Pine, in downtown Long Beach. It's an area with entertainment but mostly restaurants. We ate at a place called Gladstone's that had mostly seafood.
Esther and I wanted to take a cruise aboard the Queen Mary, which was docked in Long Beach. It all sounded great until we got to sea and something happened with the electricity and the engines. There we were for four days and ghosts. We could see land out our window. So near and yet so far. Planes and boats seemed to be approaching to rescue us and deliver food...what the hell is this Spam crap?!
At least during the day we could find our way around the ship. Esther thought that it was ghosts that did this. Thank goodness we happened to have a ghost detector.
I think there might have been ghosts in the room as it got really cold. We even tried closing the vents but it didn't help, so we stuck ourselves in there. The room might have warmed up but our tushies got cold!
We suddenly noticed that the other side of the ship was facing the dock. We were docked the whole time and able to simply walk off the ship!
Eunice and I wanted to complete our Irvine trip as well as seeing another area of California, Long Beach. The only part of Long Beach that we had seen in September was the docks when we went to Catalina Island.
After experiencing Columbus Day noting that this guy came here to discover a place where people were already living, we made up our minds to discover everywhere we went because we did not see any groups of rubber chickens. So, now we return to change the name to Califowlnia. If we ever get back to Catalina Island, we will rename it Cacklina Island.
We first wanted to make sure that we were in shape to go so we went to our chiropractor to get adjusted.
Air Tran and Jet Blue are our favorite airlines because they have such comfortable seats, great snacks and nice pilots. Since Jet Blue was going non-stop to Long Beach we chose that one. The pilots brought us into the cockpit for photos as well as giving us a quick lesson on how to fly...especially since we can't.
While waiting at the gate, we met Capt. Ron Horetski of the Los Angeles Fire Department with his dog, Pearl. We noticed that he was a rescue dog. As it turns out, they were just on television that morning because the ASPCA Search and Rescue dog, Pearl, was honored the day before (November 11th) as the ASPCA's 2010 Dog of the Year at The Annual Humane Awards Luncheon in York City. Pearl, herself was rescued from an animal shelter and Ron adopted her. That makes Pearl a rescue dog that's been rescued. We wanted to pose with Pearl, but I think she would have thought we were toys, so we got Merle to just take a photo of Ron and Pearl.
We checked into the Avia Hotel in downtown Long Beach near the ocean. Our robe and slippers (we share) were laid out for us on the bed. That was great, but we still wanted to inspect for bed bugs as it's been a big problem these days. None found.
I had suggested that we go to an Italian restaurant since our itinerary also had us taking a gondola ride. We went to La Traviata where we met the owner, Mario Nasab. We dined on lobster ravioli, a cleansing of sorbet and a vanilla creme brulee, while Sheryl Smith was singing opera. WE HAVE NOW RENAMED THIS PART OF CALIFOWLNIA AS LONG BEAK.